The 21st Century Matrix Supplements

With an ever-increasing demand for supplements, it is essential to understand what is available in order for you, the consumer, to be able to choose what best suits your requirements.

It may surprice you to learn that typical shop vitamins and minerals which form the basis of most people's supplementation for good health are chemicals known in the industry as "USP" or "BP" isolated form nutrients.

With recent statistics revealing that 1 in 3 adults and 1 in every 5 young adults (ages 15 to 25) are taking some type of untritional supplements that are the most effective (including the cost factor) for our needs.

We all recognize that we should get all of these essential vitamins and minerals from good organic (wholesome) food. However, with mineral depletion of the soil, environmental issues, processed foods, and demands on growers etc, most of us admit that we take supplements because we want that additional preventative or protective security factor.

If we admit that the best source of proper vitamins and minerals are contained in food then ideally our supplements should also be in a food form.
The Nutritional Breakthrough!

Our intense research and commitment to excellence has mede it possible for us to bring this new generation of advanced nutrients to you. Many published and unpublished studies (well over 80 human studies) support the FoodMatrix™ concept. FoodMatrix™ nutrients are indeed the nutritional breakthrough of the new millennium.
Higher absorption-Higher Retention-Higher Utilization!

Dr. Alan Tomlinson said when announcing this new technology, "FoodMatrix™ nutrients are the most important and significant advancement in nutrition in my 30 years in this industry."

Dr. Massoud Aravanaghi, Ph.D. explained the difference between synthetic, isolated vitamins and minerals, and FoodMatrix™ nutrients. More than 80 independent scientific studies have concluded that FoodMatrix™ nutrient are up to 5 times more effective than commercially available vitamins and inorganic mineral salts, and are retained up to 16 times longer by the body. Dr. Massoud said, "FoodMatrix™ nutrients are the passport that take the nutrients to the cells."

Because FoodMatrix™ nutrients are absorbed as readily as food and remain in the body far longer than commercially available vitamins and minerals, they need only be taken in convervative amounts.

Here is the background on FoodMatrix™ nutrients. Scientists have been able to isolate molecules responsible for certain effects. Thus, vitamins were born and their chemical structures defined. Pure vitamin molecules were then isolated from a natural source, or the vitamin molecules were constructed from a commercially available source like glucose. Inboth cases, however, all the constituents that naturally are attached to the vitamin are eliminated and the bioavailability and utility of the vitamin is reduced. It's like discovering that the engine of a car is the active ingredient, but the engine of a car is useless without gas, wheels, controls, and bodywork. Until recently, scientists thought that vitamins were my steriously detached from thier food proteins in the digestive system and were then somehow re-attached to proteins after absorbtion. We now know that this does not happen and that the proteins always remain attached. Vitamins and minerals must be consumed in a true food form for optimal efficiency and effectiveness. And that's where FoodMatrix™ nutrients come in.
How are FoodMatrix™ nutrients processed ?

FoodMatirx™ nutrients begin with the same commercial molecule of vitamins of vitamins or minerals. How ever, through and exclusive process, the nutrients are integrated or imbedded with non-denatured proteins. The vitamins and minerals are then added to a nutritional medium and then fed to living yeast plants. The result is a complex protein containing the healthy difference between FoodMatrix™ nutrients and synthetic products.
Spotron's Uniqueness and Superiority!

It is an indisputable fact that Sportron's nutritional supplements, comprising of FoodMatrix™ nutrients, and the proprietary manufacturing process, make Sportron's supplements the most powerful and effective supplements available.

If you are not consuming Sportron FoodMatrix™ supplements. we encourage you to take a serious look at the facts and supplement with the best!