We all know that we aren't eating properly, and that the heavily processes foods that we do eat don't give enoughmutrition. That's wha 60 to 70% of us use some form of supplement. But it's what we don't know that can hurt from us all. In fact these Mega Drug companies went to court to make sure you did not hear the truth!

You see, over 90% of all the vitamins and minerals available in the thousands of supplements you buy come from the same handful of Mega Drug companies. They isolate the vitamins and recreate them in a laboratory in huge quantities and sell them to vitamin manufacturers. They also have minerals dug up in mines all over the world and these crushed rocks are what you get in your fortified O.J., breakfast cereal or daily vitamin.

What you may not know is that these chemicals and rocks are not recognized as nutrition by the body and can in some cases be toxic. Yes, in trying to do your body some good you may be causing real harm. These chemicals and rocks floating around in your bloodstream are a recipe for disaster.

Nutrients found in food are recognized by the body, and the body uses them for nourishment. These complex nutrients are in the form of a FoodMatrix™ with vitamins and minerals bound to proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, enzymes and bioflavanoids.

These nutrients in a FoodMatrix™, not isolated chemicals are what the body considers food. Scientists have developed a way to work with nature to produce FoodMatrix™ nutrients, a real food vitamin mineral combination that has all of the important cofactors bound to the vitamins and minerals your body needs.

To get an idea of how well these nutrients work researchers at Scranton University tested the effectiveness of FoodMatrix™ nutrients and chemical isolates on baby mammals.

After feeding them nutrient deficient food for two weeks they began feeding one group isolates and the other FoodMatrix™ nutrients for four weeks weighing them and charting the progress. These babies, whose cells were screaming for nutrition received no benefit from the isolated mutrients, as a matter of fact their weight soon began to decling. In contrast the FoodMatrix™ group thrived, and their weight almost doubled in the four-wekk period. This study clearly shows that isolated nutrients give very little or no help to growing cells. Consider that our cells need to grow and flourish for our bodies to heal, grow stronger and dight off the ravages of time.
Which type of nutrient are you going to feed your cells?

To be effectively used by the body, vitamins need cofactors. These "helpers" consist of bioflavanoids and other natural substances that work with the vitamin to produce positive results. Without these cofactors the effects of mass produced isolated chemicals are minimal at best. Take vitamin C for example.

In a study conducted at the New Jersey College of Medicine there was five times more FoodMatrix™ Vitamin C in the blood after two hours, and an incredible 18 times as much after 12 hours. Surprisingly there was more Vitamin C from FoodMatrix™ after 24 hours than there was at any time with the isolated Ascorbic Acid group.

Further proof of the superiority of real food nutrients is a study released by Scranton University Using tissue samples the bioavailability of FoodMatrix™ Vitamin C was Found to be over 12 times more bioavailable than the isolate.

Colon Cancer kills 47,000 Americans every year. This dreaded disease is generally believed to develop from polyps. These growths are studied to determine a patient's risk for cencer. While numerous studies have shown that Vitamin C can stop further polyp growth, a study conducted at The University of Dublin Trinity College revealed that FoodMatrix™ Vitamin C reduced polyps by more than 50% in just 30 days! Clearly FoodMatrix™ nutrients are vastly superior to isolates.

Another critical aspect of the benefit this new biotechnology is the way minerals are transported in the body. Noble Prize winning science proves that there is a systematic process the body uses to transport inerals directly to the cells. Without the special protein "Chaperone" found in FoodMatrix™ nutrients the crushed rock minerals found in virtually all supplements end up floating aimlessly in the blood. Scientists are just beginning to understand the deadly consequences of these free-floating minerals.

Calcium is a prime example of how dangerous these minerals can be. Calcium supplements are taken by millions of women. Even though American women take more calcium supplements than anywhere else in the world we have one of the highest rates of osteoporosis. This deadly condition known as brittle bone disease causes holes in the bone that can lead to crippling fractures and often death. In the following photo, you can see a compression fracture of the spine caused by advanced softening of the bone. Unfortunately taking most calcium tablets does little to help the problem, and can cause deadly side effects.

Without the protein transport to shuttle the calcium directly to the proper tissues calcium carbonate (which is simply crushed limestone) can bind to a variety of tissues with deadly results. This calcium can find its may end up in the walls of your arteries where it causes hardening and thickening. This calcium plaque is a major contributor to heart disease and stroke. Take a look at the difference between a normal coronary artery and one that has become clogged with calcium plaque.

It's easy to see why Americans by the thousands are lining up to be examined by new state of the art scanners that can detect this lethal calcification of their arteries.

What you don't know can hurt you! ” These mega drug companies have fought to keep these facts a secret from all us, Their laboratory made chemicals and crushed rocks have a minimal health benefit at best, and can cause real harm. Now that we know the truth it is up to us to spread the good news. There is a healthier and safer way to feed your body. Working with nature we can help the body to have a fighting chance against over processed foods, noxious chemicals, stress and the revages of time.

You ar on the front lines of the next great battle in health and wellness. Share this information with everyone you care about. Don't they deserve the best the world has ot offer?

We will win . The truth is on our side.